MENU BFMS - Monday Dance



Monday Night English Country Dances

The Baltimore Folk Music Society presents English Country Dancing from 8:00 p.m to 10:30 p.m. every Monday at the Church of the Nativity. 6112 York Rd. Baltimore, MD 21212. Admission is $10 for members, $15 for nonmembers, Under 21 and full-time students with IDs: free. New dancers and beginners are always welcome. All dances are taught.
English Country Dancing is joyous, lively movement to elegant music in a friendly, informal setting. The figures are simple, and each dance is taught and walked through. Come alone or with a friend.

Directions to Church of the Nativity

Please download a English Dance flier for more information.

These events are sponsored in part by a grant from the Maryland State Arts Council. For more information call the BFMS hotline at 888-646-BFMS.

Please see our Behavior Policy

Help spread the word, distribute our new dance flier. *Click Here*

Event Dates

Monday, February 17 2025 
A NIght on the English Country Dance Floor

Diane Schmitt calling and featuring: Robin Wilson on flute and concertina, Ralph Barthine on guitar and Janina O'Brien on mostly piano.

Please register beforehand at:
Monday, February 24 2025 
English Country Dancing, with live and lively music on our very own Staycation dance. Bring your finest (or most boisterous) tropical attire and we will make the best out of not being somewhere warmer, beachier and sunnier!

Jeff Steinberg plays the violin; Carl Friedman, the piano; and Steven Epstein on the clarinet, for dances called by Sharon McKinley.

please register at:
Monday, March 03 2025 
Ye Merrie Bande plays an evening's worth of English Country Dances to Christopher Field's calling!
Emily Aubrey leads the bande.

Please register ahead of time at:

Monday, March 10 2025 
A Rousing Evening of English Country Dance brought to you by Emily Aubrey, caller; Susan Brandt on flute; Tom Wright on mandolin; and Jonathan Jensen on piano.

Please register at:

Monday, March 17 2025 
An Evening of English Country Music with some Irish tunes thrown in for good measure, as it is Saint Paddy's Day, after all. Will you be going?

Kappy Laning calls to the tunes of Becky Ross on violin; Marty Taylor on recorders, whistles and concertina; and Carl Friedman at the piano.

Please register at:
Saturday, March 22 2025 
2:30-4:00: Saturday Afternoon of Gentle English Dance is back!

Michael Franch will call the dances and Emily Aubrey on violin, Marty Taylor on whisltes, recorders and concertina, and Janina O'Brien on the piano, usually, will provide the corresponding music.

The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter at 419 Cedarcroft Road, just off of York Road in Baltimore, our usual dance venue.

please register at:
Monday, March 24 2025 
An Elegant, Yet Fun Evening of English Country Dance

Called by April Blum, and played by: Elke Baker on the violin/viola; Robin Wilson on flute and concertina; and Janina O'Brien on the piano, usually.

Please register beforehand at:

Monday, March 31 2025 
The Last English Country Dance of a string of English Country Dances in March!

Andrea Nettleton calls to the music played by: Jeff Steinberg on vioin, Mark Vidor on accordion and Carl Friedman at the piano

please register at:

The Baltimore Folk Music Society presents English Country Dancing from 8:00 p.m to 10:30 p.m. on Mondays at the Church of the Nativity. 6112 York Rd. Baltimore, MD 21212. Admission is $10 for members, $15 for nonmembers, Under 21 and full-time students with IDs: free. Beginners are always welcome. All dances are taught.


English Country Dancing is joyous, lively movement to elegant music in a friendly, informal setting. The figures are simple, and each dance is taught and walked through. Come alone or with a friend.

Directions to Church of the Nativity

Please download a English Dance flier for more information.

These events are sponsored in part by a grant from the Maryland State Arts Council. For more information call the BFMS hotline at 888-646-BFMS.

Please see our Behavior Policy