MENU BFMS - Wednesday Dance



Wednesday Night Contra Dances

Contra dance for all!

The Baltimore Folk Music Society presents Contra Dancing every Wednesday, 8:00 to 10:30 p.m., in the hall at Lovely Lane United Methodist Church in Charles Village, 2200 St. Paul Street, Baltimore.
  • Gender-free calling

  • No partner? No problem.

  • New dancer lesson every week at 7:30pm

  • Live music from local, regional, and national bands

  • $10 for members and affiliates (FSGW, ATDS)

  • $15 for non-members

  • Under 21 and full-time students with IDs: Free!

The Wednesday Contra Dance is sponsored in part by a grant from the Maryland State Arts Council.

See our Contra dance FAQs for general information on Contra Dances

Please see our Behavior Policy

For more information email contra at

Directions to Lovely Lane Church

Facebook Group
Check our Facebook group for the latest information.

Wednesday, February 19 2025 
Alexandra Deis-Lauby calls to Kingfisher: Cecilia Vacanti (fiddle), Jeff Kaufman (piano, mandolin, etc). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Wednesday, February 26 2025 
Qwill Duvall calls to Petrichord: Colleen Holroyd, Sophie Chang, and Bobby LaRose. Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Wednesday, March 05 2025 
Caroline Barnes calls to the music of Elke Baker, Ken Kolodner, and Liz Donaldson. Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Wednesday, March 12 2025 
Penelope Weinberger calls to the music of Backstep Cindy: Sandy Hofferth (fiddle), Joe Langley (guitar), Fred Cherney (banjo), and Shirley Echols (bass). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Wednesday, March 19 2025 
Janine Smith calls to the music of Charlie Pilzer (piano), Zachary Mills (fiddle and feet), and Bobby LaRose (mandolin). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only: