Welcome to the Baltimore Folk Music Society
The Baltimore Folk Music Society is a nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to preserving and promoting folk music, dance, and tradition. BFMS sponsors regular dances, concerts, family events, and related activities year-round. Members are eligible for discounts to Society events by showing their membership card.
BFMS is a member of the Country Dance & Song Society and shares reciprocity arrangements with the Folklore Society of Greater Washington, and the Annapolis Traditional Dance Society.
The Wednesday Contra Dance returns to a weekly schedule starting January 29, 2025! Find us at Lovely Lane EVERY Wednesday, 7:30pm lesson, 8pm dance. See the Wednesday Contra Dance page for details.
People under 21 and full-time students dance FREE at all regular BFMS dances!
We will still be requesting payment via the BFMS website.
With the end of the public health emergency, we are not currently requiring vaccinations or masks for our events. Please be mindful of others' safety and do not attend if you are not feeling well.
Volunteers power BFMS. Want to...
...learn sound engineering and meet some of the most talented folk musicians in the country?
...greet dancers at the door or bring snacks for the break?
...use your design or social media skills to help build the contra and English dance community in Baltimore?
Reach out! president@bfms.org
Keep up with the latest BFMS events in our Facebook group.
Virtual and Live Community Events
Monday, February 17 2025
English Country Dance
A NIght on the English Country Dance Floor
Diane Schmitt calling and featuring: Robin Wilson on flute and concertina, Ralph Barthine on guitar and Janina O'Brien on mostly piano.
Please register beforehand at: http://bfms.org/englishcountrypay.php
Wednesday, February 19 2025
Contra Dance
Alexandra Deis-Lauby calls to Kingfisher: Cecilia Vacanti (fiddle), Jeff Kaufman (piano, mandolin, etc). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only: https://bfms.org/contradancepay.php
Sunday, February 23 2025 (Member Sponsored)
Balfolk Music Session
1- 3 p.m., at the Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305; Harford Road, Baltimore MD 21214.
Balfolk refers to traditional and contemporary folk dance from France, Belgium, Brittany and a few other places. Dances include bourrée, mazurka, an dro, hanter dro and others. The music is interesting, rhythmic and lots of fun to play. Pretty easy, too!
This will be a guided jam session, led by Mark Vidor. IT IS NOT A DANCE SESSION. All musicians and all instruments are welcome. No prior experience in the genre is necessary. Music will be provided at the session. Music is also available electronically in advance. For more information, contact Mark Vidor at mbvidor@aol.com.
Monday, February 24 2025
English Country Dance
English Country Dancing, with live and lively music on our very own Staycation dance. Bring your finest (or most boisterous) tropical attire and we will make the best out of not being somewhere warmer, beachier and sunnier!
Jeff Steinberg plays the violin; Carl Friedman, the piano; and Steven Epstein on the clarinet, for dances called by Sharon McKinley.
please register at: http://bfms.org/englishcountrypay.php
Tuesday, February 25 2025
BFMS Song Swap
7:30. The 4th Tuesday zoom Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. While we have been getting together on zoom, the 4th Tuesday BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Tuesday, February 25 2025 (Member Sponsored)
Baltimore Shape Note Singing
7pm to 9:30pm. Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD. Join us in America's oldest musical tradition! Experience the joy of singing a cappella choral music in four-part harmony. Shaped note heads aid sight reading. No experience needed, and loaner books are available. Attendance is free. All are welcome! More information https://baltimoreshapenote.org/, https://www.facebook.com/groups/bmoreshapenote
Wednesday, February 26 2025
Contra Dance
Qwill Duvall calls to Petrichord: Colleen Holroyd, Sophie Chang, and Bobby LaRose. Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only: https://bfms.org/contradancepay.php
Monday, March 03 2025
English Country Dance
Ye Merrie Bande plays an evening's worth of English Country Dances to Christopher Field's calling!
Emily Aubrey leads the bande.
Please register ahead of time at: http://bfms.org/englishcountrypay.php
Wednesday, March 05 2025
Contra Dance
Caroline Barnes calls to the music of Elke Baker, Ken Kolodner, and Liz Donaldson. Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only: https://bfms.org/contradancepay.php
Saturday, March 08 2025
2nd Saturday Dance
7-9:30 PM (one hour earlier)
Penelope Weinberger calling to Contra Rebels ~ Henry Koretzky (guitar), Barb Schmid (fiddle) and Todd Clewell (fiddle)
Dance lesson: 6:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. http://bfms.org/secondsatpay.php
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. People under 21 and students with ID: free
Potluck snacks at the break.
See our Events page for a complete listing of events and details.
Visit the BFMS Folk Events page for a list of some of the other folk events in the area.
www.bfms.org/folkeventsAttention BFMS Members
- Recently moved or changed your email address? Wondering why you aren't getting anything from BFMS? Please contact BFMS Membership (membership @ bfms.org) and update your contact information.
- If you have recently joined BFMS or renewed your membership and did not get anything in the mail (such as a membership Card) please contact the Membership Chair at membership @ bfms.org. Thank you.
How to Contact Us
By E-mail - use our Contact page.
We can also be reached by conventional mail at
Baltimore Folk Music Society, P.O. Box 65144, Baltimore, MD 21209.
Call the Baltimore Folk Music Society's Music & Dance Hotline! (888) 646-BFMS or (888)646-2367
or email president@bfms.org.
Membership expired? Renew on-line! See the Membership page for details.