Welcome to the Baltimore Folk Music Society
The Baltimore Folk Music Society is a nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to preserving and promoting folk music, dance, and tradition. BFMS sponsors regular dances, concerts, family events, and related activities year-round. Members are eligible for discounts to Society events by showing their membership card.
BFMS is a member of the Country Dance & Song Society and shares reciprocity arrangements with the Folklore Society of Greater Washington, and the Annapolis Traditional Dance Society.
Great news for students!! BFMS is now waiving the admission cost to our regular dances for individuals under the age of 21 and students who present at the door with a valid student ID. Looking forward to dancing with you!!
With the end of the public health emergency, we are not currently requiring vaccinations or masks for our events. By participating you are agreeing to be mindful of the safety precautions that limit the spread of disease and to treat others with consideration and respect. Please do not attend if you are not feeling well and let us know if we should let attendees know about potential illness spread at our events..
We will still be requesting payment via the BFMS Website
We look forward to singing and dancing together! We once again welcome snack contributions for our dances and your help cleaning them up :-)
BFMS often has the need for people to fill one time or ongoing volunteer opportunities. Currently, volunteers are needed for the following: coordinate the 2nd Saturday Dances, serve on the Board as the Special Events Chair, help with sound for dances and concerts, write grants, gate coverage, and to work on flyers expanding our publicity. Please feel free to contact me at president@bfms.org.
Help spread the word, distribute our new dance flier. *Click Here*
Please download our Welcome Brochure
Virtual and Live Community Events
Monday, October 07 2024
English Country Dance
Evening of English Country Dance 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Ann Fallon calls to playing by Marty Taylor on whistles, Ralph Barthine on guitar, and Janina O'Brien on piano, mostly.
Location: The Church of the Natvity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Road, Baltimore, Maryland, 21210
All are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break. Please register and pay ahead, on-line at www.bfms.org/englishcountrypay.php
Saturday, October 12 2024
2nd Saturday Dance
8-10:30 PM
Andrea Nettleton calling to Nova, a neo-trad trio hailing from New England featuring Kathleen Fownes on fiddle, Everest Witman on guitar and mandolin, and Guillaume Sparrow-Pepin on accordion and piano. https://www.novatriomusic.com/
Dance lesson: 7:30
Admission is: Free for all (as part of Free Fall, sponsored by the Baltimore Office of Public Arts and BFMS).
Please pre-register. Online there will be an option to register for free. http://bfms.org/secondsatpay.php
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Potluck snacks at the break.
Sunday, October 13 2024
BFMS Annual Picnic
Looking forward to seeing you for the BFMS picnic on Sunday, October 13 from 12-4 PM at Lake Roland Park in Pavilion #2. https://www.lakeroland.org/ See old friends and meet new ones! Bring a picnic lunch and a beverage, and if possible a folding chair, tablecloth, and your instrument. Parking in the park is limited, so consider carpooling. Plentiful parking is in the Falls Road light rail lot adjacent to the park. Some of the picnic highlights will include singing, jamming, storytelling, hiking, and a clothing and cd exchange. For questions or to volunteer to help: picnic@bfms.org or 410-979-8150. Please see the BFMS website for many other important details: https://bfms.org/picnic.php
Monday, October 14 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance 8;00 - 10:30 pm
Diane Schmit will call to the playing of Carl Friedman, violin; Steven Epstein, clarinet; and Ben Hobbs, piano.
:Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Road, Baltimore, MD 21212
Participants are invited to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please register and pay on-line .http://www.bfms.org/englishcountrypay.php
Wednesday, October 16 2024
Square/Contra Dance
Kappy Laning calls to the Baltimore Open Band led by McGregor Yatsevitch. Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only: https://bfms.org/contradancepay.php
Monday, October 21 2024
English Country Dance
Englsih Country Dance, 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Andrea Nettleton calls to the tunes provided by Liz Donaldson, piano; Mark Vidor, accordion; and Jeffrey Steinberg, violin
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Road, Balitmore, MD 21212
Feel free to bring a snack to share at the break, if you wish.
Please register and pay on-line at http://www.bfms.org/englishcountrypay.php
Tuesday, October 22 2024 (Member Sponsored)
Baltimore Shape Note Singing
7pm to 9:30pm. Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD. Join us in America's oldest musical tradition! Experience the joy of singing a cappella choral music in four-part harmony. Shaped note heads aid sight reading. No experience needed, and loaner books are available. Attendance is free. All are welcome! More information https://baltimoreshapenote.org/, https://www.facebook.com/groups/bmoreshapenote
Saturday, October 26 2024
Autumn AssemblyBFMS is pleased to present its annual Baltimore Autumn Assembly English Ball on Saturday, October 26th, 2024, at the Church of the Redeemer. Come to our afternoon ball with refreshments, beautiful dancing, and elegant music by Tina Chancey, Paul Oorts and Jonathan Jensen from 1:30 to 5:00 PM. Each dance will have its own caller.
Attendance by on-line, pre-registration only
Festive attire is admired, but not required
A light snack will be served.Please bring non-marking dance shoes to help preserve the floor.
Your 2024 Ball Chairs are Christopher Field and Ann Fallon, reachable by email at autumn_assembly at bfms.org
For more information and registration visit http://www.bfms.org/autumn-assembly.php
Monday, October 28 2024
English Country Dance
Special Halloween English Country Dance. 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Let your creativity flow and glow with the tunes provided by:
Robin WIlson on flute and concertina, Carl Friedman on violin, and Janina O'Brien on piano and perhaps more. ALL dances determined and called by Sharon McKinley.
Costumes and creative get-up are optional, but greatly encouraged!
Feel free to bring a spooky snack along for the break. It's a party!
Please register and pay on-line at http://www.bfms.org/englishcountrypay.php
Wednesday, October 30 2024
Square/Contra Dance
Penelope Weinberger calls to Sugar Beat - Susan Brandt (flute), Elke Baker (fiddle), and Marc Glickman (piano). Special 5th Wednesday Halloween dance, costumes encouraged! Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only: https://bfms.org/contradancepay.php
See our Events page for a complete listing of events and details.
Visit the BFMS Folk Events page for a list of some of the other folk events in the area.
www.bfms.org/folkeventsAttention BFMS Members
- Recently moved or changed your email address? Wondering why you aren't getting anything from BFMS? Please contact BFMS Membership (membership @ bfms.org) and update your contact information.
- If you have recently joined BFMS or renewed your membership and did not get anything in the mail (such as a membership Card) please contact the Membership Chair at membership @ bfms.org. Thank you.
How to Contact Us
By E-mail - use our Contact page.
We can also be reached by conventional mail at
Baltimore Folk Music Society, P.O. Box 65144, Baltimore, MD 21209.
Call the Baltimore Folk Music Society's Music & Dance Hotline! (888) 646-BFMS or (888)646-2367
or email president@bfms.org.
Membership expired? Renew on-line! See the Membership page for details.